
Barbara Lin
University of California, Berkeley
Class of 2014
Bachelor of Arts Media Studies

Life is complicated enough…so let’s make life simple. Whether it’s the dress that never fails you, the cozy sweater you hide in, or the piece passed down from a family member that may be worthless but in your eyes is worth the world, it’s the little things that make all the difference. Take a step back and express yourself, show the world who you really are and do it in your own way…because anything can be beautiful and stylish if you believe it to be.

To me, fashion is a medium of art. It is a tangible, accessible form of expression that everyone lives in day in and day out. I try to express myself through my wardrobe everyday, and I believe that I consciously and subconsciously show who I am on the inside by what I choose to wear on the outside.

 I named my blog “JADEmeetsGOLD” for several reasons. The most simple explanation is that the combination of jade and gold is my favorite in terms of jewelry. Jade because of my Asian heritage, and gold because, to be completely candid, it goes best with my skin tone. The combination of jade and gold also represents two different perspectives from which I view life through. One of which being my Asian upbringing and the culture, ideas, and heritage that comes with it (jade); and the other being the western environment that I grew up in, none other than Southern California (gold). I believe these two identities compete and complement each other in shaping how I view the world and ultimately who I am. But the most influential reason in choosing the name “JADEmeetsGOLD” lies in how I view personal style. I believe in dressing for yourself, for what makes you feel beautiful and uniquely you. This all comes together for me in that moment- that defining moment when I am choosing my clothes and everything simply fits together and meets in the middle. This is the moment when I feel like I can take on the world and this is the moment where in my eyes- jade meets gold.

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